Food Pantry Services
Welcome to SFX Food Pantry on the historic Troost dividing line. For over 40 years, we have served the needs of the poor in our community. Our commitment to building relationships with our neighbors and personalizing orders sets us apart from other food pantries. By providing our neighbors with the foods they prefer and can utilize, we minimize waste. Our food is purchased from Harvesters and enhanced by generous parish donations. Our hygiene products are provided by Giving the Basics. Run entirely by 27 faithful volunteers, we serve over 300 people monthly. By supporting Social Ministries, donors empower the food pantry and other initiatives that uplift the poor and marginalized in our community. Together, we are making a difference!
For more information, contact:
Tim Driscoll
J & L Committee
Welcome to the educational and contemplative side of the SFX Justice & Life ministry. Our mission is to offer educational opportunities to the parish on Catholic Social Teaching and its relevance to pressing societal and community issues. Through transformative retreats, prayer services, and dialogue we explore how God's invitation guides our response to the needs of our community and the world. Join us as we strive to make a positive impact, fostering a just and compassionate society aligned with our faith values.
This ministry meets on the 4th Sunday of the month at 9:00 am.
For more information, contact:
Tim Driscoll
Our vibrant RIM (Refugees, Immigrants, and Migrants) Ministry explores the challenges faced by our 281 million brothers and sisters in migration and seeks God's guidance for a parish response. With a focus on four key goals, we actively support organizations and individuals aiding refugees, asylum seekers, migrant farmworkers, and we promote fair trade. Join us in making a meaningful impact and fostering a more inclusive and compassionate community.
This ministry meets on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 9:00 am.
For more information, contact:
Bill Schmidt
Towards Racial Justice
Welcome to our engaging Racial Justice ministry, born out of the tragic event of George Floyd's murder. Through powerful actions such as public witnesses, prayer services, thought-provoking book studies, regular meetings, and unifying inter-parish events, we strive for racial justice within our parish, community, and the wider world. Join us in making a difference and creating a more inclusive and equitable future for all.
This ministry meets on the 3rd Sunday of every month at 9:00 am.
For more information contact:
Mary Buren
St. Martin de Porres - Belize City
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church maintains a sister parish relationship with St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church in Belize City. This collaboration aims to promote understanding and integration within the Catholic Church, facilitated by the Missouri Province of the Society of Jesus. Through sharing faith, building community, and understanding culture, both parishes strive for unity and solidarity. To learn more about St. Martin de Porres parish, click here.
For more information, contact:
Jim Bell
Neighborhood Justice Center
The NJC is a legal clinic based at St. Francis Xavier that, through volunteer attorneys, provides free legal services to those who cannot afford to pay. Our clinic has been approved by the Missouri Bar Association. for its Pro Bono Legal Program but we are an independent legal clinic established as a Not-For-Profit Corporation registered with the Missouri Secretary of State. We generally draw our clients from the food pantries or offices at SFX and St. Therese Little Flower Parish but also receive referrals from other sources such as the Don Bosco Center. We are seeking additional volunteer attorneys and a part-time volunteer with secretarial experience so that we can expand our services.
If interested, please contact
Tom Bradshaw
Way of Nonviolent Love
The Mission of the Gospel Nonviolence group is: To explore, uncover implications of, and re-nurture ourselves, so to live Jesus’ Way of Nonviolent Love. We actualize this through prayer, especially prayers of abandonment to Jesus’ Way of Love, discussion (mainly, but not exclusively) of retreats of Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy and through readings of Rev. John L McKenzie, (S.J.) and Dorothy Day. We seek to open ourselves to the movement of the Spirit of Nonviolent Love in the interactions of all aspects of our lives. Groups form throughout the year.
Peg Burns
Community Garden
Experience the bounty of our community garden! In partnership with Visitation parish, our dedicated volunteers cultivate 20 beds of vibrant pollinators, fruits, and vegetables, yielding over 1,000 pounds of produce annually. We provide fresh, healthy options to our food pantry visitors and minimize waste by donating surplus produce to Kanbe's Markets. Join us bi-weekly March – October as we plant, weed, water, tend, and harvest the land here on 52nd and Troost. Help us sow seeds of change and cultivate a healthier future. Contact us today and be part of our thriving community garden.
For more information, contact:
Michael Sanem
Join your fellow SFX parishioners in the Adopt-A-Street program. Help us to beautify and positively impact our community. Adoption periods are 2 years, and each adopted street must be cleaned of litter a minimum of 3 times per year by the adopting organization.
We will gather on the following Saturdays from 9:30-11:30am:
Apr 20
Jun 29
Sep 29
For more information, contact:
Michael Sanem
Monday-Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
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