Mission & Values

Mission and Values

Mission Statement

St. Francis Xavier Parish is a Roman Catholic community of faith 
called together by

God to experience Jesus Christ 
in His Word,
in the sacraments of the Church,
and in each other. 
We, as the body of  Christ,
joined in Baptism 
and inspired by the grace of the Holy Spirit, 
enrich our faith

through prayer and worship, 
spiritual formation, intellectual rigor,
diversity of membership, 
hospitality and fellowship, 
attention to family life,
and concern for social justice. 
Guided by the

spirituality of St. Ignatius Loyola,
we strive to use

our many gifts for the greater glory of God.

Our Core Ignatian Values

Finding God in All Things

St. Ignatius Loyola taught that all created things owe their existence to a loving God who is revealed in the world and in human beings.

The world is a place where God meets people, a place of grace and goodness, and a place to live as authentic human beings before a loving God.

As reflections of a loving God, all created things have inherent dignity and goodness and are worthy of respect and care.

Reflection and Discernment

God has created us with the ability—through reflection and discernment—to discover God’s guidance and will in every part of creation.

We are called to apply this reflection and discernment to our lives and our human relationships, seeking always to discover how God wishes us to interact with others and the world around us.

By attending to motivations, feelings, thoughts, and patterns of decision-making, we can improve the freedom, goodness, and authenticity of our actions.

Magis – “More”

We respond gratefully to “finding God in all things” with a desire to seek what brings about the greater glory of God.

We desire to respond in the fullest, most authentic way possible, always asking, “What more can I be and do?”

We seek greater knowledge and appropriation of our Catholic faith and tradition and our Jesuit heritage.

Through ongoing reflection and

discernment at both the personal and structural level, we desire to think and act creatively—never satisfied with mediocrity or easily contented with the status quo.


Focus on the Whole Person

Human beings are understood to be spiritual at their deepest level. God desires all persons to discover how to live more fully, more freely, and more authentically as the people God has made us to be.

As a result, we respect and respond to the unique needs of individual persons, as well as help them identify and develop the full range of their particular gifts and insights, especially with an eye toward service and leadership—not just in the parish, but in the neighborhood, city, and beyond.


Men and Women for Others

Our reflection and discernment leads to action that builds up our parish community, serves others, promotes justice, and leads others to similar action.

Because we all have the ability to discover God’s will and guidance and to act accordingly, we are called to respond purposefully by freely giving what we have been given by God.

We believe that people—especially the poor and marginalized—can make a claim on our time, energy, and attention and that there is a necessary connection and interdependence between us.


Diversity in Community

The Jesuit poet, Gerard Manley Hopkins, wrote that “the world is charged with the grandeur of God.”

We believe that the rich diversity of creation is inherently good because that diversity reflects God’s own inexhaustibly rich nature.

Thus, we seek to foster open-ness and interest in peoples, experiences, and ideas that are new, different, and varied.

With an emphasis on hospitality and fellowship, we strive to create a community of trust, hopefulness, collegiality, and dialogue.

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